源码分析清楚AbstractQueuedSynchronizer AQS是Java并发包的基础工具类,是实现 ReentrantLock、CountDownLatch、Semaphore、FutureTask 等类的基础。 2022-09-19 IT #java #juc #AQS #ReentrantLock
Xxl-Job执行器原理解析 XXL-JOB是一个分布式任务调度平台,其核心设计目标是开发迅速、学习简单、轻量级、易扩展。现已开放源代码并接入多家公司线上产品线,开箱即用 2022-09-19 IT #java #xxl-job
Xxl-Job调度器原理解析 XXL-JOB是一个分布式任务调度平台,其核心设计目标是开发迅速、学习简单、轻量级、易扩展。现已开放源代码并接入多家公司线上产品线,开箱即用 2022-09-19 IT #java #xxl-job
modified subpath configmap mount fails when container restarts modified subpath configmap mount fails when container restarts 2022-09-13 IT #k8s #configmap
Template method Define the skeleton of an algorithm in an operation, deferring some steps to subclasses. Template Method lets subclasses redefine certain steps of an algorithm without changing the algorithm's structu 2022-09-13 IT #设计模式
Adapter Convert the interface of a class into another interface the clients expect. Adapter lets classes work together that couldn't otherwise because of incompatible interfaces. 2022-09-13 IT #设计模式